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Publications are under Danielle Ottaviano (maiden name).
Haher T, Yeung A, Ottaviano D, Merola A, Caruso S. The Inverse of Load Transfer and Load Sharing on Axial Compressive Stiffness. Spine J. 2001; 1(5):324-9. Discussion p 330.
Shannon F, DiResta G, Ottaviano D, Castro A, Healy J, Boland P. Biomechanical Analysis of Anterior Poly-Methyl-Methacrylate Reconstruction Following Total Spondylectomy for Metastatic diseases. Spine. 2004;29(19):2096-2102.
Haher T, Ottaviano D, DeFrancis J, Merola A, Valdevit A. Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) Model can Provide Results Comparable to Cadaveric Models. Biomedical Materials and Engineering. 2004; 14(1):79-85.
Haher T, Ottaviano D, Lapman P, Goldfarb B, Merola A, Valdevit A. A Comparison of Stainless Steel and CP Titanium Rods for the Anterior Instrumentation of Scoliosis. Biomed Mater Eng. 2004; 14(1):71-77.
Nightingale R, Chancey V, Luck J, Tran L, Ottaviano D, Myers B. The Human Cervical Spine in Tension: Effects of Frame and Fixation Compliance on Structural Responses. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2004; 5(2):151-155.
Dibb A, Nightingale R, Chancey V, Fronheiser L, Tran L, Ottaviano D, Myers B. Comparative Structural Neck Responses of the THOR-NT, Hybrid III, and Human in Combined Tension-Bending and Pure Bending. Stapp Car Crash Journal. 2006 Nov;50():567-81.
Nightingale R, Chancey V, Ottaviano D, Luck J, Tran L, Prange M, Myers B. Flexion and Extension Structural Properties and Strengths for the Male Cervical Spine Segments. J. Biomech. 2007; 40(3):535-42.
Chancey V, Ottaviano D, Myers B, Nightingale R. A Kinematic and Anthropometric Study of the Upper Cervical Spine and the Occipital Condyles. J Biomech. 2007;40(9):1953-9.
Vail TP, Glisson R, Dominguez D, Kitaoka K, Ottaviano D. Position of Hip Resurfacing Component Affects Strain and Resistance to Fracture in the Femoral Neck. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008 Sep;90(9):1951-60.
Hogan C, Ruland R, Levin L. Reconstruction of the Ulnar Collateral ligament of the Thumb Metacarpophalangeal Joint: A cadaver study. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2005 Mar;30(2):394-9.
Amy Yeung, Danielle Ottaviano, Dennis Lee, and Thomas R. Haher Spinal Deformities: The Comprehensive Text. Section 4, Chapter 17: Spine Testing Modalities. pp 176-86. (C)2003 Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, New York.
The Influence of Lumbosacral Force Magnitudes and Orientation on Vertebral Deflection under Flexural Loading. The Cooper Union, Albert Nerkin School of Engineering. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering, May 2002.